Medicine Song Immersions

We are a collective of soulful women, who come together to sing and weave medicine songs. These songs are for the upliftment of women, community and the earth! We draw from a mixture of cultures, inviting soulful tunes and mantra into a blend of rhythm and love, as medicine for the planet.


Our Story

Our Sacred Invocation for You …

We come together as women on the earth to sing our hearts out, to remember the power of the collective voice, and reclaim our divine song! As we sing we offer our frequency for healing, heart opening, prayer, earth connection, tribe gathering and communing with the heart beat of our mother earth 🌏 especially during this valuable transition healing time in history.

Our Prayer:


May we sit in our wild feminine hearts and as a tribe awaken.
May we all sing our heart song and blossom into the embodied, sacred beings we are.
Come just as you are.
You are already enough and you have everything you need. Your womanly presence brings warmth; your voice and enthusiasm – nectar.


As women we take this time to sit on the earth in circle, and remember our ancient songs.
To build a new culture of remembering.

Our Mission

This vision has long been in the dreaming. As a multicultural country with tribal & colonial roots, there is a recognition that we live somewhat as guests here in Australia and therefore it is easy to feel disconnected from our song; the land we stand on, and our ancestral & lineage roots.
Growing up many of us carry scars and blocks in our voice chakras. Many of us hold wounded experiences around our voice and our song, and this prevents our joy being released to the world. But it’s time for that to heal! It’s time now to rise up once more, come home to ourselves and our soul lineage to channel our power and love through our unique heart voice. As soulful women, it’s time to liberate our song and set it free!






May our heart lights shine brightly. Our strengths, our rawness, our openness, our vulnerability, our void. All is welcomed in this space.
As a collective we hold each others fierce, gentle hearts – wrapped in the arms of the divine mother.
We welcome each other into circle:  In circle we are all equal and we all honour each other’s courageous hearts in this sharing.
There was a time when songs were part of daily life. No person was left out. We sang during our daily activities, we sang at birth, we sang at death, we sang to celebrate and we sang to mourn. We welcome back this day where we remember our song.
This circle is a seed. A seed for us to remember. To welcome in a new way.

Meet the Team




Adhi Bail

Adhi is a breathwork facilitator, massage therapist, yoga teacher, kirtanist, gifted gardener and has a passion for all things in natural rhythm and melody!

Her father was a professional Jazz musician and although never studying music professionally herself, she has had an ear and groove her whole life.

She danced through her youth and has played in a number of bands over the past 15 years as a percussionist and singer/songwriter, performing at many festivals including Woodford Folk Festival many times over. 

Her true love is songs of the Spirit and Kirtan in particular. 

The Medicine Song Circle collective has given her an outlet to brings ancient and new songs of the spirit into the lives of many, as a healing modality. 

Adhi believes that once we open to sing the divine, our stargate throats become more free to express the truth of our inner guidance for the benefit of all being.

Zoe Gaia


Hi I’m Zoe, founder of Soul Arts International and creator of the 10 Months Feminine Embodiment Certification.

I am soul mama, earth weaver, keeper of the sacred waters of the womb and lover of the feminine way.

Zoe has lead retreats, groups, festivals and women’s circles for nearly three decades, and brings this sacred work to you with a humble and compassionate approach to life.

Zoe has worked extensively with both people and horses in a clinical and therapeutic capacity and is passionate about singing from one’s heart and womb space & connecting to the Earth’s medicine.

Zoe’s Professional Trainings:

  • Deep River Women’s Circle Facilitator (completing)

  • Adv. Dip Transpersonal Counselling (IIA)

  • Adv. Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy (IIA)

  • Adv. Dip of Acupuncture (QCOM)

  • Cert. Cosmetic Acupuncture (CATA)

  • Shamanic Studies & Drum Healing

  • Diploma of Health (Shiatsu and Oriental Therapies) (ASC)

  • Diploma of Breathwork (IHI)

  • Cert. Hawaiian Massage & Lomi Lomi

  • Raindrop Technique & Essential Oil Practitioner

  • Certificate in Tibetan Reiki

  • Certificate in Indian Head Massage

  • Flower Essence Practitioner

  • Level 3 Healing Touch


Sarita Sloane

“I love the magic that unfolds when people come together to play music with a sacred intention…I love exploring my voice, jamming and improvising. I love everything kirtan, devotional, sound healing and sacred music. “
Growing up with a natural clairaudience and a soul-saving need to connect with the earth and listen to nature, Sarita has caught many a song on the wind or in the waves of the ocean. To her, listening and singing to the earth is medicine for the soul.  Sharing this magic with women is absolute bliss… With this innate calling to nurture the gift of music for healing, Sarita has followed her heart into too many training’s and immersions to list, however her main training has come through Diplomas in Sound and Colour Healing, Yoga and Dance therapy and Vibrational medicine.

As a qualified Occupational Therapist and Yoga therapist in private practice, Sarita enjoys the neuroscience of sound medicine, and how opening one’s voice parallels the opening of healing and truth on all levels.

Sarita Sloane BAppSc, MOT, Grad dip Yoga Therapy, Cert Sound and Colour Healing, Cert 4 Music performance-Voice; Cert Kundalini Dance Facilitator; Kahuna bodywork.


Come Sing with Us ….